NAIC Update
November 5, 2008
SSAP No. 98 – Treatment of Cash Flows When Quantifying Changes in Valuation and Impairments, an Amendment of SSAP No. 43 – Loan-backed and Structured Securities
Issued: November 5, 2008
Effective: January 1, 2009, with early adoption permitted
This pronouncement requires that when recording an other-than-temporary impairment related to a loan backed security, the security’s cost basis should be reduced to its fair value. Prior to the adoption of SSAP No. 98 and 99, the cost basis of an other-than-temporarily impaired loan backed security was written down to its undiscounted estimate of future cash flows.
Loan backed securities that have been previously impaired should be reviewed to determine if an additional write-down is warranted.
SSAP No. 99 – Accounting for Certain Securities Subsequent to an Other-Than-Temporary Impairment
Issued: September 23, 2008
Effective: January 1, 2009, with early adoption permitted
This pronouncement requires that after writing down a bond or redeemable preferred stock, whereby the cost basis of the security is reduced to its fair value, the difference between the new cost basis and the estimated recovery value (the new premium or discount) should be amortized or accreted over the remaining life of the security.
SSAP No. 99 also clarifies that any bond premium that is written-off upon recognition of an impairment shall be recorded as a realized loss versus a reduction to investment income.
Other Relevant Statutory Guidance:
INT 06-07: Definition of “Other Than Temporary”
One of the key concepts of this OTTI guidance is that there are two types of impairments – interest related impairments and credit related impairments. An interest related impairment is obviously caused by changes in the risk free interest rate, but also includes general credit spread widening due to “supply/demand imbalances” or “perceived higher/lower risk of an entire sector”. From a recognition standpoint, an interest related OTTI adjustment should be recorded when the holder has the intent to sell the position. In contrast, a credit related impairment should be recognized when it is deemed other-than-temporary. Since we are currently experiencing a market where many securities have been trading at severely depressed levels, it is important to assess the issuers’ ability to make principal and interest payments when they are due. If the issuer is showing signs that indicate the inability to make these payments, the impairment should be considered credit related. If the issuer remains financially sound, the impairment is most likely interest related.
Annual Statement Changes
Effective: 2008 Annual Statement
With the adoption of 2008-22BWG comes a new (electronic) column to the Schedule D Parts 1 and 2, which indentifies the source of the fair value/market value used in the statement. Below are the codes that are to be noted in this column:
a – price is from a pricing service
b – price is from a stock exchange
c – price is from a broker or the insurer’s custodian **
d – price is determined by the insurer
e – price is from the SVO
** Broker must be approved by the insurer as a counterparty for buying and selling securities or be an underwriter of the security being valued and the broker’s or custodian’s pricing policy must be retained by the insurer.
Similar to AAM’s SFAS 157 level one, two, or three reporting, AAM will provide a year-end report to our client’s that specify our valuation sources in the format outlined above.
Joseph A. Borgmann, CPA
Vice President
Investment Accounting
Disclaimer: This information was developed using publicly available information, internally developed data and outside sources believed to be reliable. While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the facts stated and the opinions given are accurate, complete and reasonable, liability is expressly disclaimed by AAM and any affiliates (collectively known as “AAM”), and their representative officers and employees. Any opinions and/or recommendations expressed are subject to change without notice.
This information is distributed to recipients including AAM, any of which may have acted on the basis of the information, or may have an ownership interest in securities to which the information relates. It may also be distributed to clients of AAM, as well as to other recipients with whom no such client relationship exists. Providing this information does not, in and of itself, constitute a recommendation by AAM, nor does it imply that the purchase or sale of any security is suitable for the recipient.
Disclaimer: Asset Allocation & Management Company, LLC (AAM) is an investment adviser registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, specializing in fixed-income asset management services for insurance companies. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training. This information was developed using publicly available information, internally developed data and outside sources believed to be reliable. While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the facts stated and the opinions given are accurate, complete and reasonable, liability is expressly disclaimed by AAM and any affiliates (collectively known as “AAM”), and their representative officers and employees. This report has been prepared for informational purposes only and does not purport to represent a complete analysis of any security, company or industry discussed. Any opinions and/or recommendations expressed are subject to change without notice and should be considered only as part of a diversified portfolio. Any opinions and statements contained herein of financial market trends based on market conditions constitute our judgment. This material may contain projections or other forward-looking statements regarding future events, targets or expectations, and is only current as of the date indicated. There is no assurance that such events or targets will be achieved, and may be significantly different than that discussed here. The information presented, including any statements concerning financial market trends, is based on current market conditions, which will fluctuate and may be superseded by subsequent market events or for other reasons. Although the assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements that may be contained herein are believed to be reasonable they can be affected by inaccurate assumptions or by known or unknown risks and uncertainties. AAM assumes no duty to provide updates to any analysis contained herein. A complete list of investment recommendations made during the past year is available upon request. Past performance is not an indication of future returns. This information is distributed to recipients including AAM, any of which may have acted on the basis of the information, or may have an ownership interest in securities to which the information relates. It may also be distributed to clients of AAM, as well as to other recipients with whom no such client relationship exists. Providing this information does not, in and of itself, constitute a recommendation by AAM, nor does it imply that the purchase or sale of any security is suitable for the recipient. Investing in the bond market is subject to certain risks including market, interest-rate, issuer, credit, inflation, liquidity, valuation, volatility, prepayment and extension. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission.